Take the “50 Gong” Challenge
Hit 50 gongs
and you’ll take two strokes off your handicap or your money back.
If you score 50 “gongs” or perfect scores during your first six (6) months of owning a Chirrp Putting System and haven’t lowered your handicap by 2 strokes, we’ll give you your money back. Click the button below to learn more.
Learn More

30 Days – Free Returns
You’ll Love Your Chirrp System
If not, return it for any reason within 30 days of receipt. Simply email us at the email below and we’ll email you a label to send it back. Please save your box to prevent damage on the return.

One Year Guarantee
One Year Warranty
If your Chirrp Putting System fails due to mechanical issues, material defects, or any other reason, we’ll refund it or replace it at your discretion. You may need to send in your Chirrp depending on the circumstances of the issue (we’ll pay return shipping).