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System Care and Upkeep

Your Chirrp Putting System comes rolled in its own shipping and storage box. Always roll your carpet back up when storing.  Folds in the carpet result in humps that are hard to flatten and can influence putting. Store your Chirrp in its box when not in use. Roll carpet backward to flatten. The carpet may …

Scoring Modes

Chirrp has many potential scoring modes. Depending on your choice during practice, you can set up the system to concentrate on speed (the default setting), accuracy, or varying degrees of both (casual, amateur, pro, insane). Speed-focused settings are mainly concerned with how close to the hole the ball ends up whereas accuracy-focused putts are mainly …

What games are in the pipeline?

We have a number of ideas/games in the pipeline for future expansions of the app. The nice thing is that we can add games nearly anytime through app updates and many creative ways to encourage practice are possible. Here are a few ideas we have that are either in progress or are on our future …

What game modes are available?

The Chirrp Putting System currently features three main game modes: Open Practice – hit putts from the distance you choose while the system tracks your successes, speed, and plots stats about your session. Check out the Open Practice video here. Daily 30 – you are required to putt 30 putts from distances randomly assigned by …

Detection Accuracy

How accurate is the Chirrp Putting System? Overall, we find the Chirrp Putting System accurate enough that we get a good challenge and excellent practice every time we use the device. It does occasionally fail to detect a putt. Using our prototype systems, we see a small number of misses depending on lighting conditions. Additionally, …

Lighting Management

The Chirrp Putting System works across a wide range of lighting conditions, However, since we used a light-detection based system there are some limitations. Rapidly varying lighting conditions are susceptible to misreads. Shadows cast over the system when using incandescent lighting or sunlight may cause misreads or extra putts. Our system works best when used …